Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Search for Scholarships Can Yield Decent Results

I've heard so many people say there are lots of scholarships out there; you just need persistence in looking for them. I thought it was an urban myth and it has seemed like a waste of time to me, time better spent working on homework or personal essays.

One young man went on a serious scholarship quest, netting more than $22,000 in 22 scholarships ranging in size from $500 to $4,000.

OK. Maybe I was wrong.

I was impressed at his approach and his organizational skills in tracking these scholarship opportunities. But part of me wished he'd been as successful at applying to schools as to getting money. He had good grades and a good story - he'd worked one summer in South Africa. Yet he was only accepted by two of the eight schools to which he applied.

But he helped me see two advantages to the scholarship hunt I'd never considered.
-- Since most of the scholarships were local, he was interviewed by people in the organizations offering them; he gained lots of interview experience.
-- He had to write essays for most of the applications. Again, worthwhile practice, with a purpose.

So give the scholarship search a shot. There's no harm and it's possibly a good and lucrative experience.

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