Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sometimes Life Really Isn't Fair

It's not always teen angst.

The music students at our high school had been preparing for the winter concert for months. And this concert was a big deal. In the past, there were three separate concerts, for band, orchestra and chorale. Last night all three groups were to be on stage together -- and all the parents were there. It was a full and enthusiastic house.

The freshmen concert band was playing its second piece when something really odd happened. The district superintendent went onstage, said something to the music teacher who was conducting, and he brought the the music to an end. Then the superintendent announced we all needed to evacuate. About five minutes later, the concert was canceled. There was a nearby bomb scare -- not even related to the school -- but the police played it safe.

Our kids had rehearsed during three class periods yesterday, they were excited and ready to shine. Then, their big night came to a halt. Their frustration, anger and disappointment was understandable.

The concert has been rescheduled for early January. But in all of the excitement, I didn't think to watch the CNBC program on The Price of Admission: America's College Debt Crisis. Probably would have made me even more depressed.

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